SERP Snippet Preview

The most complete tool to create Goole meta descriptions and snippets for search results SERP. Optimize your titles and Meta descriptions to get more traffick from Google.

Preview your ad

Awesome Title 1 | Awesome title 2 | Awesome title 3
Get people's attention with an accurate and powerful description. Crear una llamada a la acción es importante para invitar a las personas que hagan clic en tu anuncio. ¡inténtalo ahora!
Featured Text 1·Featured Text 2

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Ad •
Awesome Title 1 | Awesome Title 2
Get people's attention with an accurate and powerful description.

Featured Text 1
Featured Text 2

Edit your ad here

Your website URL

Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Description 1

Description 2

Featured Text

Featured Text 2

Google SERP Tool

Ad Previewer for Google Ads

There is a platform that brings together all the necessary elements so that you can monitor your website effectively. This platform also provides you with Ad Preview for Google Ads. The following aspects:

How does Google Ads Previewer work?

Its function is simple and all you have to do is follow the steps below to be able to get the most out of it:

• Go to
• Locate at the bottom of the page "Ad Tools"
• There you will find: "Google Ads Ads" Click on it
• You will have the possibility to create advertisements for Google ADS, remember that it is a simulator.
• Where indicated. Edit your ad here.
• Enter the URL address of your web page (for redirects).
• Insert title 1
• Insert title 2 (optional)
• Insert heading 3 (optional).
• Description 1. Make a description of the service or product offer,
• Description 2. Make an optional description of the service or product.
• Featured text It is the one that stands out on the page. Note: As you build, you can display the page.
• Save the ad

When you save it, it will remain in a file on your computer, which you can view in PNG format.

What is a SERP snippet?

SERP snippets (also called Google snippets) define the preview of a search result in Google search results (SERP). The snippet consists of the website title, a short text preview, and the URL.

It is the first and therefore the most important point of contact between the search engine and your website. By optimizing the SERP snippet, you can increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your results and get more visitors from Google.

How do I optimize my search snippets?

Without optimization, Google takes the title of your website and a part of the content selected by Google as a text preview. You should optimize the title and improve the preview of the text by adding a meta description.

The title and the snippet must correctly reflect the content of your page and encourage the user to click on your visit. Some special characters increase the attention to a result. Visit to decorate your text.

How long can a SERP snippet be?

The art of SERP snippet optimization lies in making the best possible use of the available space. Google offers you different amounts of space in desktop and mobile search results:

Title: 580 pixels (desktop) and 920 pixels (mobile)
Descripción : 990 píxeles (escritorio) y 1300 píxeles (móvil)

The fragment generator Marketing Tool shows you how much space you are already using with your texts and thus helps you create the best possible snippet.

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Google Ads simulator, Google Snippet Preview, SERP Snippet Preview